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A written document in which one person (the principal) appoints another person to act as an agent on his or her behalf, thus conferring authority on the agent to perform certain acts or functions on behalf of the principal.

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Making the choice to end your marriage is never easy or simple. If you and your spouse can remain civil and agree with one another about the division of liabilities and assets, spousal support and other issues, the divorce process can be much more simple and less stressful.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What else could I have been exposed to while in the service?

Many service members were exposed to a number of different hazardous substances, including the following: Asbestos Extreme Noise Industrial Solvents Lead Radiation Fuels PCBs and other coolants CARC Paint and many others.

What are Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures?

The term “Airborne Hazard” refers to any sort of airborne contaminant or toxic substance that veterans are exposed to through the air they breathe. Many military service members were likely exposed to airborne hazards through the following: The smoke and fumes from open burn pits Sand, dust, and particulate matter General air pollution common in certain countries Fuel, aircraft exhaust, and other mechanical fumes Smoke from oil well fires

What is Gulf War Veterans Illness

Additionally known as Gulf War Syndrome, a significant number of acute and/or chronic symptoms have been linked to Gulf War Syndrome. These include fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive problems, insomnia, rashes and gastrointestinal problems. At least a third of the nearly 700,000 U.S. veterans who served in the 1991 Gulf War are afflicted with enduring chronic multi-symptom illness, a condition with serious consequences.

How does the VA rate disabilities?

When it comes to compensation claims related to service, the VA does not add whole numbers together to get your rating. Using this system, the VA takes percentages of percentages.

If my VA Disability claim was denied, How long do I have to appeal?

Generally, you have one year to enter your appeal if you want to continue your case. However, we strongly encourage people to appeal within 30 days. 

What is Agent Orange Exposure?

Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide used by the U.S. military for control of vegetation. If you served in the Vietnam War or at the Korean DMZ between 1962 and 1975, chances are you were exposed.